Lawyer Federica Sandulli

Associate Partner

Founding partner of Sandulli & Associati law Firm, she deals with both extrajudicial activities and litigation, including arbitration, in civil, corporate, bankruptcy, banking and financial matters, with particular reference to the actions of responsibility towards the members of the corporate bodies, to the appeals judgments of assembly resolutions , to revocation actions, to complaints pursuant to art. 18 l. bankruptcy, to the management of banking and financial litigation, in the interest of banks, throughout the country, to litigation aimed at debt collection and verification of civil liability.

Another area of ​​specialization is the management of bankruptcy proceedings as bankruptcy trustee, such as, for example:

• industrial companies in the milling and food sector

• industrial enterprises in the field of tinplate

• industrial companies in the field of typography

• construction companies

• commercial companies, wholesale and retail activities (clothing sector) with dozens of stores throughout the country and over 200 employees.

• transport companies with over 600 employees

• companies which are wholly owned by public bodies

She is also commissioner of compositions with creditors of important industrial and commercial companies. She has got a lot of experience in assisting debtors who intend to access voluntary bankruptcy procedures or appeal to certified recovery plans pursuant to art. 67 of the bankruptcy law, as well as in assisting in the preparation and proposition of bankruptcy agreements.


1999: Law Degree with honors from the University of Naples, “Federico II”

Professional Admissions / Qualifications

2017: Admitted before the Supreme Court

2002: Admitted to the BAR of Naples

